Merry Christmas! Late. But still I hope your's was very merry and everyone got exactly what they wanted. I know I did! As did Little A, who got things she didn't even know she wanted, and E! Though Christmas still isn't quite finished in a matter of crafted/crochet presents. Who's surprised? Not me! Though this time I have an excellent reason as to why they're not finished. My mom and step-dad's presents are the ones left 90% done. Well, and Little A's quilt which I'll just save for birthday time and E's present which was only going to happen if the others were finished first. But the Wednesday before Christmas I got the flu. E had it first and it lasted about five days, just a weird stomach but nothing major. Little A had it next, she only threw up three times in a matter of 3-4 days and had some weird diapers. I got it last and hardest. I was laid up late Wednesday night feeling like I had ate too much and couldn't comfortable no matter what I did. Then Thursday morning when Little A came to lay down with me I had to rush to the bathroom and it was all over from there. Luckily E works evenings so I made him get up with her when she woke up and then after he left for work I had another episode that really upset Little A because I locked her out and she got scared. So Nana and Papa S came to get her. It sure is nice to sleep without a diaper butt to worry about, especially while sick. But by the next day I was feeling better. Still ate little and nothing heavy, but by the next day and Christmas I was feeling much better! Thankfully, I'm really glad it didn't ruin anyone's Christmas.

Christmas eve was quiet. Little A opened her jammies before daddy went to work (I washed them before I wrapped them! Go me!). And after E got home he gave me something very sweet. Get ready for a tear or two...

Through a long chain of really rather unfortunate events, my baby ornaments and Christmas ornaments of years passed were thrown away. So when E and I moved in together all of our decorations belonged to him (well now us, but still his). It never really bothered me until after Little A was born and there tons of first Christmas ornaments for 2 of the 3 people in the house all over our tree. I felt left out and sad, yes, a pity party. But E always said it wasn't a big deal. Which it really wasn't. We've received, bought, given enough ornaments over the years. But Christmas eve, E handed me a box with another small box inside. It was a baby's first Christmas ornament. I thought how nice to get the new baby one already. But then I saw the year. It's a 1987, Precious Moments baby's first Christmas ornament. Brand new from a shop in Pennsylvania. E said he had been searching for two months to find something new rather than used. But he did it! Being all big and pregnant and already an emotional person, I cried. It means a lot to me that he went through all that just to get me my own baby ornament. What a great guy I married.

And check this out! It is my new massive craft storage system that E designed and built for me! Six medium wire baskets, three large wire baskets, two open shelves, and an open top. Every piece of fabric and yarn skein I have (minus two current projects) fit in it. I cannot tell you how happy I am for this. My little sewing table was covered with boxes of yarn and projects so everytime I wanted to sew I had to clear it all off, and when I was done, put it all back. I'm so proud of E for making this for me. And I'm so proud of it! Sometimes I just like to look at it and admire it. Too bad it won't look this organized in a month or so. But all of the yarn is in one place and baby's room is clear of craft stuff so come the beginning of February we can start decorating! Yay!

Because with Christmas over, E needs something to work on! He's been busy playing with Little A's toys and putting them all together, and luckily they're all together now! So bring on the new year! We're ready for it!

I even got new socks for it, and who can resist new socks to ring in the new year with? Not this girl! I really hope you have a safe new years eve, and enjoy a drink for me will you? This preggo will be struggling just to stay awake passed 10:30. Be safe and merry!
Until next time!