The Tree is expecting a new apple! This one should be here around July, and as far as I know there is only one in there even though I feel huge for 16 weeks. It was rather unexpected and unplanned, I had started my new job on November 5th and on November 10th I realized my nervous stomach wasn't a nervous stomach at all, it was a pregnancy hormone stomach. I worked on that Saturday and Elliott brought me breakfast, after I ate it I knew that feeling. I fretted the rest of my shift and made a trip to the dollar store, bought some tests and a bottle of water. When I got home I snuck to the bathroom and secretly took the test. My best friend, also pregnant, was the first to know because she had been teasing me that I was pregnant. Oh how I denied it all! The line showed up pretty faint at first and then a little darker. Crap. Elliott was outside taking laundry down and I rushed outside to tell him without the girls around. "How do you feel about a July baby?" I asked. The bucket slunk on his shoulder, "are you serious?" I nodded and showed him the test and burst into tears. This wasn't what we had planned and it hit is like a blast of cold air.
We spent the next few days not really talking about anything because we were both in shock. I accepted it pretty quick because what can you do but embrace it? He needed a kick in the butt a little, I reminded him that I needed his support just as much as I was trying to support him and he turned around after that. The weeks have flown by though and we play fight about the gender, he says girl I say boy, same as we always say, except this time I really think its a boy. I don't feel anything like I did with my girls! But we'll be finding out come the end of February, and either gender we'll be happy as long as its healthy! The girls say its a boy too and I keep dreaming about it.

Work is going good! I get to crochet when not busy helping customers, which I thoroughly enjoy because once I get home it's rare if I have the energy to much more than cook and clean up after cooking, bathe the girls and throw them and myself into bed. I forgot what it looks like after 9:30pm and if I'm adventurous enough to start watching a show/tv I hardly ever make it more than 15 minutes.

I started a new project for my pregnant best friend who is happily expecting a girl! I hope she likes the colors I picked out, I didn't intend for them to look so Valentine-y. I'm using Baby Love Brand's Chevron 2.0 pattern . It's totally work the money to buy this amazing pattern, which isn't even that expensive to buy. This will be my third version of this blanket, the first one I made for my cousin's baby and the other was a boy version I did with left over neon yarn from Amelia's blanket. One of the best things about the pattern is its super fast and easy!

I have so many things to talk about in all aspects but I think I'll leave those behind and move forward because I tend to ramble anyway and I would feel like I missed something and try to dredge up more memories about things and ramble more. If that makes any sense! The girls are excellent. Alyssa will be 2 in two-ish months and I'm more ok with it than I was with her turning one, but getting older is something no one can help. She's talking in long sentences and is such a crack up! And very stubborn. I think she'll be keeping her copper locks but I just wish her hair would grow!

Amelia's hair is finally growing and she already needs another hair cut, she just had one last month, it's mostly her bangs though. She's mouthy and opinionated like most soon-to-be four year olds I guess. She's pretty special though, she takes good care of her sister and herself. She's been doing a really good job keeping her room clean, yesterday I couldn't find her so I called her, asked her what she was doing and she said she was cleaning her room. When I asked why she said because it was messy! She definitely gets that from her daddy, thank goodness!

Speaking of daddy... Look at this guy! He bought the girls bibs, Amelia doesn't care for them because they're not girly enough but Alyssa loves them and they both look adorable in them. He bakes cupcakes with them occasionally and he brings some up to my work to share. The house is always clean now because of him, and I love coming home to have lunch withy favorite people. I miss him everyday I'm at work and I can't look at my pictures on my phone because it makes me want to run out the door and speed home. Lately I've had to stay late at work because we're short handed and I don't mind, but it cuts our already short time together to next to nothing. We have a new hire coming in February so it shouldn't be for too much longer!