Thursday, June 9, 2011

Good Times

Good day! Good day! As I write this morning I'm getting Tonka kisses! Poor guy, I think he has allergies or something because he has green eyes and has had them for a little while. We'll do something about that today!
I hope all of you are enjoying the weather! Yesterday, Little A and I took a trip to the public pool for the very first time ever! We went swimming one time last year and she loved it, and she loved it yesterday too! She kept picking up her feet and trying to float away like she's been swimming all her life or something. I had to slap her floaties on her and let her go because she refused to let me hold her. She dunked her face several times and drank quite a bit of water, but never cried! I was surprised. Her favorite part over all was watching all those people! Such a little people watcher!

This last week was a pretty rough one. Little A had some kind of virus or the like on Wednesday and developed a low grade fever along with a "don't do anything to make me happy because it'll just make me more mad" attitude. It finally stopped this morning. She woke up happy and playing this morning and I actually got a kiss! I haven't gotten one in three days, poor E probably hasn't gotten one in longer though. She is also eating a ton today! Needless to say, this mom is pretty happy!

Little A has really been into dinosaurs lately. I had a stuffed velociraptor named Max that she adopted. His head has become a little loose because we open his mouth and bite Little A's tummy while making growling noises. She thinks it's the greatest thing! When she wants it done, she grabs Max and makes dinosaur noises.

Friday, my friend Meg and I too our girls with us garage sailing. I found this little guy. For fifty cents! I was excited and when I gave it to Little A she was happy as a not-so-feeling-well little girl could be! She grabbed him and hugged him, burying her face in his head and soon after, fell asleep. Poor girl. So she drug him around all afternoon and when she went down for a nap I stole him away. He had a roar sound box in his arm that was broken so I got to work and cut open his arm, took out the box, restuffed his arm, sewed him back up, and threw him in the wash. His name is now Dinny the dino, he's among Little A's favorites, but none trump the great Daisy bear. I'll tell you about Daisy another time! But after fixing Dinny I felt oddly accomplished for the day!

Two weeks ago we went as met up with E for lunch in Johnson county. He was taking some classes for work and had a longer lunch hour, so it was a treat for all of us! But the weather turned nasty and there were tornados all over, including where we were. It passed quickly but once we were ready to go home the storms were headed the same direction we were going. So we took a pit stop at Joann's, I was heartbroken! ;-) Little A did so good in the store though it was passed her naptime and she found a wonderful peguin printed flannel in the remnants pile. Since she only tried to sneak out of the cart once and gave me a hug thinking I would let her get out since she was being so sweet, I let her have it, thinking I could make something for her. I didn't not realize it was so small! So I made her that little softy pillow (about the only thing I could think if to get the max use of the fabric). She was pretty happy when I gave it to her.

I must tell you this; I was working on this front post back post blanket for Little A and I wasn't crazy about it from the beginning. I picked it back up yesterday after starting it a year ago. In that short time of working on it I set it back down and...

Pulled it all apart. I know what some of you are thinking and no it's not a shame or something to be sad about. That yarn will get new life in another project that I actually like! Which is sooner rather than later. Two of the colors match the weany blanket, which is back in progress. Little A has been completely weaned since May 17th! I figured since I started the weany blanket when I thought she was weaning (back in January) it might be a good idea to finish it now she is weaned. Here's a sneak peek:

That's about all I can afford to give you without ruining the whole thing! I promise you'll be among the first to see it when it's finished. I'm working on some other projects that I'll be able to show you next time, pinky swear!

Until next time!

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