Sunday, March 24, 2013

P.C.P part II with some extras

Good day! We are in the middle of another (insert clever apocalyptical phase related to snow) here in Spring time Kansas. Every time that groundhog doesn't see his shadow this happens. Late season snow. Barf! I mean I love the snow, but in winter. I'm ready to be outside with my girls! To go to the park and let them be free! It feels like a pipe dream right now. Someday soon, it'll happen.

Poor Amelia is getting the cooped up crazies. She's been naughty the last few days and meaner too. I know it's cuz she's bored and wants to be outside. I don't blame her.

Alyssa has been pretty sweet lately and really into playing games like peek-a-boo and a tag of sorts between her and Amelia. That is until Amelia knocks her down and gets put in time out for pushing. But what have I been doing? The same as I always do. Play with my children, try to clean house, and of course crochet and sew. I haven't done a lot of sewing but some.

I finished Amelia's doll and she effectively named her Princess Girl. I love the names she comes up with, she's so imaginative. Princess Girl and Carrier are pretty good friends. And I finished some projects for my "Project Complete Project 2013" also. Would you like to see?

Remember when I started This? It was forever ago and I finally hit got tired of trying. I was making it from my Red heart scraps and if you've worked with red heart it's not exactly ideal for a big project. So I fastly fell out of love with it.

So I weaved in the few remaining ends and added a small border and gifted it to Tonka, our male corgi. It now lays on his bed and he sleeps with it every night. I'm glad someone loves it.

Then there is this one. I started this back in January 2011. I hadn't really blogged about it because I didn't work on it a lot and I fell out of love with this a long time ago too. So what did I do with it? Same thing I did with my hexie blanket. Finished it where it was and gave it to Mabel, our female corgi. It's on her bed too and she sleeps with it almost every night too. I feel bad these endeavors ended like this but I'm glad that my dogs are happy.

Then there's this one. . I finally finished it. I ran out of yarn, then got all but one color and I had to wait forever to get it. But...

It's finally done. By the way, looking back over some of my old posts and looking at my pictures I'm thinking to myself that you all must think I never clean. Almost every picture has some toys or papers in it. To tell you honestly, I do clean. It just so happens when I want to take pictures there are toys and mail newspapers that the girls get into. If my house was dirty I would never display it over the Internet! I would be beyond embarrassed.

I've started another project. Something for my sister who got promoted at work. I started it Thursday afternoon. On Friday I challenged a friend on instagram to a crochet off. She's working on a project for her mom and is doing a ripple. I'm doing Le monde de sucrette's summer time ripple. They're about the same size, except hers is a tad wider.

It's gone from an idea to...

This to...

This, plus more, in a matter of days. I'm up to 40 rows I believe. My goal is 120 by Friday, which is the end date we chose. Well, she chose really, that's when she needs her'a done by. I love a challenge!

But as I was saying, it's for my sister who was promoted in her job and leaving for the police academy next month. I wanted to say congratulations and give her a piece of home to take with her. What better way to show someone love than with a handmade gift.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Turns one.

That's right, Friday the 8th, my little Alyssa turned the big 0-1. How has it already been a year? I don't get it, it couldn't be because we were having so much fun or anything!

I made cupcakes.

And a smash cake.

Decorated the living room.

And both doorways to the kitchen.

And didn't get a picture of the food table. Alyssa's birthday was much more relaxed than Amelia was, well for me anyway. Maybe it was because I was still in birthday mode. I don't host a lot of parties, I don't have a lot of reason to, but I do enjoy it.

Alyssa had a lot of fun. She got to be the center of attention and eat cake and see all her favorite people!

Well, she mostly just ate the frosting. Elliott gave her a spoon and she just scooped the frosting off.

After everyone left and after bath, Alyssa just couldn't handle it anymore and had a huge meltdown. She fell asleep promptly while I nursed her.

I cut my finger with an exacto knife the day of the party. I was making Alyssa's birthday shirt, it's something I do every year for my girls, and the exacto knife bit me. Have you ever been cut by one? It's not like being cut by a regular knife, you actually don't feel it until its too late, then there's blood everywhere by that point. But it healed quick because it was cut so cleanly.

I made Alyssa this little dolly for her birthday, it gets passed around between the girls then left in the living room on the floor for awhile and so on. I'm going to make one for Amelia too, hers is about half finished now.

Then the other day Alyssa was finally ready to sit in the wagon. I had fun pulling them because they cracked each other up the whole time.

And I hope you're having a fabulous Saint Patrick's day, we are despite the picture. Alyssa just didn't want to play photo shoot.

Sorry this wasn't a super exciting post, but here's an Irish Blessing to say bye for now.

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of his hand.